Work Commitment Between Part Time And Full Time Workers

Chapter 3


The involves the methods of design study, target population, sampling method and the techniques that were used to select the sample size. It also describes how data was collected and analyzed. This is important in any project that requires to be verified. There are various things that dictates the research methods to be by the researcher. The followings are vital in looking for a suitable research method.

Research Design - It is the arrangement of collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine the relevant stages to the research purpose. The researcher needs to understand the whole project in this case the fact that it is a social research hence the needs to choose a research method to facilitate this.

Target Population - The target population should be realistic in relation to the area of study that the researcher wants to do the research. This should be a realistic figure that he can manage to reach and control.

Resources Available - The available resources dictates the type of research to be done. If the resources are vast then people will be able to get the information through any means possible.

Upon analysis of the topic of research the research should be able to employ both qualitative and quantities research methods. Sampling also is an important aspect that can be used to create a good report for anybody to be able to go through and access. This will be done through the following ways.


Both probability and non-probability sampling will be employed. In the case of probability, stratified sampling was applied to choose the locality where the research was carried out. The population will be divided into strata and sample classified as government representatives and employees in the private sector: Whereas in non-probability sampling, convenience sampling was administered especially interviews where individuals were chosen at random. This will give a sample that is absolute and realistic. The age group of the sample will also vary to ensure where the necessary information to complete the research.

Both primary and secondary data are the basis for my findings. Primary data was obtained from employees and other people in streets, the main tool of data collection being questionnaires and interviews(to save on costs and time). While secondary data came from the previous case studies on Performance contracting, journals, newspaper extracts and the internet. The researcher applied a qualitative method of data collection which is useful for providing both exploratory analysis and for gaining deeper and different insights into and understanding of key findings using figures which could be quantified. The data needed for collection and analysis tis the gross income and inflation levels. These two things provide a sample of what is required to make this research a solid paper. The prior surveys done by various individuals will be considered but there is an aspect of time that is being taken into account. The previous surveys display information that for a particular period of time hence a problem of relevance occurs. The need of this research and data collection is that we be able to create an up to date database which will be effective in terms of providing a solid basis for argument. The geographical sampling strategy chosen to be implemented means that the location that is considered to a have a representative sample how much each group will represent. The place chosen has good presentation of all classes. The classes are meant to display the actual reality on the ground. This strategy is considered to be strong since it builds a strong basis for argument. The families of school going children are considered to be the basic unit of society hence they are the perfect target group. This target group will be perfect for this research. They will be a basis of argument since they give what is considered the reality on the ground.

An introductory letter will be g given to the respondents which explained the reason for the research. The ethical issues arise when you ask an individual to reveal their personal information. This will come into play when you try to ask them about their income in the question and the focus groups also. This main concern is how you will use the information and whether you will reveal it to a third party. According to the research ethics framework this type of matter should be treat with a lot of sensitivity. As a researcher you should be able to show the reason you require such information. There is also how you would ensure that information is kept confidential at all costs and will not be revealed to any third parties. The confidentiality clause is an important aspect that must be put in the questioner. The participants of the focus groups should be told to sign confidentiality clause letters to ensure the information is protected. Protection of personal information given by informants in the focus groups and through questioners' should be really emphasized and practiced by the researcher at all cost.

This will also to gain trust of both parties to ensure that they will always be in position to give information willingly and not by force. This also will prevent the sample group from giving false information, which might be misleading to the whole research. This is a very common thing in most researches. The researcher visited various localities issuing questionnaires and conducting interviews. The researcher also gets information on performance contracting via primary data, mainly through interviewing. The secondary sources of information used will always be there to provide people with an easy form of research that can be done at all times. The qualitative questions in this study were answered through open ended questions and the questionnaires. In line with this data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics such as the mean, mode, variances. Frequency tables, percentages, pie charts and trend analysis were further used to analyse and present the data. This enabled the researcher to establish the real findings hence make a conclusion. The statistical analysis of this report is meant to give a cumulative view of whole topic of discussion.

The report should to consider all the factors that are incorporated by the study with an aim of coming up with an all-inclusive report meant to build and make people aware of the problem and fins a way to solve it. The chapter involves the methods of design study, target population, sampling method and the techniques that were used to select the sample size. It also describes how data was collected and analyzed.

Sample Design and Procedure

A sample is a unit of the entire population which the researcher uses to generalize the results of the study. A sample should representative to the entire population and thus a proper sampling technique should be employed to enhance this. The researcher in this study used a stratified random sampling technique because the population under study was of heterogeneous nature and required to be classified into various strata. The method takes into account significant strata levels or groups the method lessons the possibility of one sidedness. A ratio of 67% was then used to obtain a ratio of 40 respondents out of a population of 60 as shown in the table below.

Data Collection Procedure and Instruments

Data was collected using questionnaires as primary data and the company's records and any other acceptable literature as secondary data. It was tested to bring out only flows that may have been overlooked while drafting. The final draft is made; each respondent is required to only fill one questionnaire. The questionnaire is administered only according to the sampling design.

Reliability and Validity of Research Instruments

The questionnaire was preferred before distribution to the respondents in order to test reliability and validity of the research instrument.

Data Analysis

The data collected was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The questionnaires were treated according to the objective of the study. Tables, graphs and pie charts were used to help interpret the data according to the issues analyzed. Qualitative summaries were also generated for open ended responses.
