How Do I Write An Introduction For A Dissertation On Management?

Introductions have always been an Achilles heel for dissertation writers. Since the introduction I so important, most writers usually panic and sometimes end up writing poor introductions that underwhelm readers and take away the urge to continue reading them rest of the dissertation.

The truth is that a poor introduction is like a weak gate to a home. If you have a beautiful home with expensive item within that home, then you need a strong and appealing gate as well. If the gate is underwhelming, then no matter what the inside of the home contains, people passing by will take little note of your achievements.

Fortunately, with enthusiasm and a bit of caution, you can write an excellent introduction that grabs attention at the slightest opportunity. To do so, follow the tip outlined below;

  1. Write your introduction at the end
  2. Simply start your dissertation and write until you have finished with the conclusion and then come back and write the introduction. This will help you write a good introduction because now that you know what the entire dissertation contains, you can summarize it perfectly in the introduction.

  3. Start with a background of the problem
  4. Other than starting with a quick summary, you can also start your dissertation with a background statement. The background is simply the chronology of events leading up to whatever you’re writing about. However, don’t start from too far back in time as this may leave you with an introduction that is too long and potentially watered down.

  5. Start with a hypothesis
  6. A hypothesis is carefully though statement on the potential outcome of whatever you’re writing about. It’s like jumping to conclusion before you even discuss the whole story. If used properly, an introduction in the form of a hypothesis can cause suspense which may increase the reader’s urge to read through the rest of your paper.

  7. Use appropriate language
  8. Introduction should be simple and easy to understand. If you have technical terms to use within the paper, keep them for the body. In the introduction, you want the reader to understand everything. So, keep your language simple.

  9. Keep focus
  10. While it’s just the introduction, you still need to keep the focus. Do not be tempted to deviate too far from the main topic. Otherwise you may mislead the reader. If you don’t know how to write a short, precise, and powerful dissertation introduction, seek help.
