A List Of Strong Thesis Topic Ideas For International Relations Students

What should a thesis on international relations depict?

Well, first, it should show that the student has a sound knowledge of the complicated web of governance and relations all across the world. Additionally, the paper should demonstrate acute critical thinking skills that can be employed easily in practical scenarios. Furthermore, the thesis should be researched thoroughly to show thoughtfulness, insight, and carefully constructed and creative opinions.

What topics can you explore?

Since international relations consists of practically all avenues of interaction between countries, you have a plethora of ideas at your disposal. Some of these are:

  1. War: Students of in this field spend much time discoursing about the ills and perils of war. It is a phenomenon that has plagued not only our past but also our present. There have been numerous wars that have changed the history of the world, the most primary of which is the Second World War, which led to the liberation of many countries and eventually the third world.

  2. Globalization: Globalization may not have had a fast and direct impact upon the world, but this subliminal phenomenon has changed the course of how trade and economy work in the world. Not only has it furthered the growth of the internet and commerce, but also served to bring the cultures of the world together. Furthermore, globalization is one of the main topics of debate between experts all over the world. Some say that it has enhanced the gap between developed and developing countries, thus creating a bigger gap in the flow of money from one country to another. However, others say that it has opened up the ways of trade for many emerging economies, thus allowing them to escape fiscal deficits and emerge as stronger players in world commerce.

  3. Immigration: Like war and globalization, immigration is also one of the burning topics of international relations. One can explore the effects of immigration on an economy, or the factors that force people from a country to migrate to another nation, and the laws related to it.

  4. Other international relations topics: Apart from these, a few other topics you can explore might include:

    • History of international relations

    • Colonization, its rise and consequences in the present world

    • Human rights and their importance with respect to the contemporary age.

Present logical arguments, and explain each argument with the necessary justifications. As an international relation student, if you consider these strong thesis topic ideas you will have an exceptional paper on your hands.
